From Washington State to San Diego.

Mount Olympic Park, Washington State. We see a sign in a pub, saying „The progress has been made in the woods.“ All clear?

Men’s project work „flying kite“ with beach equipment, unsuccessful of course. But fun.
Beach time with friends.
When size really matters.
Number 5 arrives. Johannes is now with us. A step to gender parity. Seattle is next – The first Starbucks ever… a must see.

Oregon Dunes
A wide area of soft sandy dunes. Lovely to hang around.
Red Woods – 1000 year old trees, we should be showing more respect to nature.

Van life with 5, a tent is needed now. We swap places every night.
The Pacific is a dream, lights, waves and sunsets embracing life.

California hills, Antony Chabeau / a place to sleep outside of Frisco.
San Francisco’s favorite animals on deck. Johannes and Mireille are flying back home from Frisco.

The remaining 3: We cross Death Valley, a place so still, it hurts.
Hiking in the Valley. Thank God it is December.
Inukshuk for the eternity.
Half Dome, Yosemite NP. A nice hike with international travelers.
Time to sell the Van and lots of our stuff. We want to keep a backpack only when heading to Mexico.
We sell our self-made necklaces and roller blades – no one takes the Van though.
Invited from an American couple we have grilled tuna in San Diego. A luxury break from Van life. We like it.
The store is now closed. We decide to keep the Van and meet friends down in Mexico. Time will tell, if this is a good decision.
We started in February in New York. Now it is December and we are leaving San Diego. Mexico, we are coming…